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Greeting from KD9TK...
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Greeting from KD9TKU, Mark

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Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1
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Gained my license on Sept. 11, 2021.

I got a Baofeng BF-F8HP Hand Radio to start with, which seems to be a good starting Radio.  I'm already looking to get a Radio for my car and have been shopping around.  Not sure what I'm going to get just yet, but I spend about 2-3 hours per day in my car, between commuting to work or eating lunch in my car.  So I figured it would be nice to have a radio to use during that time to make my commutes more enjoyable.  Though, I'm not sure how I would log my contacts in the process.

I just received a Postcard from the Welcome Net confirming QSO from when I checked into the Net last week, which I thought was kind of nice, so thank you.

A little about me: In short, I'm a computer nerd and love to work with technology, started when I was a kid and I excelled in Math and Science.  It's fun to me to play with tech and to learn new things.  I just never considered Amateur Radio until recently when I met someone in Scouting who was very active with it.  I'm an Army Brat and moved around a lot as a kid, having spent half my childhood outside of the U.S..  I also enjoy Art, Photography, Woodworking, Camping, Hiking, Canoeing, Kayaking, and Volunteering.  I'm current very active in Scouting and plan to introduce Amateur Radio to Scouts in my Troop. 

One thing to note, the moment I was assigned a Call Sign, I applied for a Vanity Call Sign, because I prefer to have something a little more personal.  I checked availability before submitting my request so I should get my first choice on Oct. 1, but we shall see if I'm that lucky.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to meeting others and learning more about the hobby.

Mark, KD9TKU
