If you haven’t yet, please click here to log in/register! Please include your callsign as your user name; or, make an amateur radio related post introducing yourself to our community in the “Welcome – Introduce yourself” topic in our forum. Our “Bot Patrol” will delete most registrants who do not follow this protocol.

Please keep your behavior and language civil. Amateur radio is a fun hobby for all, including younger folks. Please act as if your mother, your father, and the FCC are reading your posts and listening to you on the radio. Politics, religion, and other potentially sensitive or divisive subjects are best avoided. Discussions about particular models and types of equipment are welcome but this forum is NOT to be used as a place to buy, sell, or trade items. 

We welcome your questions especially those related to establishing welcome nets in your area.

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Help Available Here

If you have questions, some of the more experienced hams may have answers! Or if we don't, we'll at least try to point you in the right direction in your quest for more information.
Help Available Here

Happening On Welcome Nets

Tell others what your Welcome Net is doing.

Procedures and Regulations

If you have a question about the ifs and hows about getting on the air and talking to people in compliance with FCC rules, this is the place!


Can't hear anybody? Other people can't hear you? Radio smell funny? Ask here and we